You are here: 1. Distribution System > 1.7. DEBTORS Menu: Debtors Ledger > 1.7.6. Debtors - Import Debtor Sales

Debtors - Import Debtor Sales

Micronet has the capacity to import orders from external sources including:


Technical Tip

  • If you have specific order creation functions and you need those orders to come into Micronet, Micronet's R&D team can customise this option to suit.
  • For exact file structures, contact your Micronet support representative for details.


To load external customer orders from an ASCII file:


Micronet displays the Import Sales to Micronet screen. Note that your screen may have different options than those shown if it has been customised for your company.

  1. In the Enter File field, select the Browse button to find the file you want to import.
  1. Tick the box next to your company name, or tick the Micronet Import option.

If you selected the Micronet Import option, the Print Invoice Copies field becomes active.

  1. Tick the Print Invoice Copies box to automatically print copies of the invoices imported to Micronet.
  2. Select the Ok button to import the orders to Micronet.